As fellow avid twilighter with my other two blogger sisters, I will post this token twilight post on their behalf.
Well, a couple of summers ago, my cousins and I went stark-raving mad about the Twilight series. We spent the better part of our summer holed up couches with our faces far too close to our pages. As relatively young teens, we took full liberty of the stories and fantasized about Edward/Jacob and other good looking fantastical creatures. I take some pride in the fact that our family is so close, but when someone read ahead and insinuated something or other about the books, tempers flared and we were lucky no one attacked anyone else for spoilers. We even graced the midnight book release of Breaking Dawn, fully clad in Twilighter apparel (I spent hours making my hair wavy and drawing bite marks to pass as a 'bitten Bella). While the initial fan-fever has abated, we are still revved up to see the latest installment in the movie series.
We intend to see Eclipse sometime this week. In the mean time, drivers ed is going well. So well in fact, that I have started writing a story about it. You must understand, dear readers, that we have some VERY interesting characters. One boy laughs at anything and everything (including information on water bottle labels), one girl has never spoken a word-to anyone, there is a pair of fraternal twins who nothing short of socially odd(but they are nice), and of course, they are ALL gamers. Thank you cosmos that my cousin Milo is there to endure it all with me. And help me recap the daily hilarities to our family.
Until next time, dear readers (whoever you are), and don't hesitate to leave comments.
-Kaiyuh Rose-
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